Thursday, March 22, 2018

Genealogy Place Names - F

F is for . . . Fécamp

A note to my family: This works out rather neatly. Our ancestor from Fécamp leads to my mother. Our ancestor from Fyndern leads to my father.  One is royal the other comes from a line of knights and ladies and then Quakers.  One is from France and the beaches of Normandy, and the other from a tiny place in Derbyshire, England.  Click on the links for more detail. Don’t be dismayed by different spellings – they abound and are further confused by the use of Latin. Until the majority of people could read spelling remained very fluid

Once again, this is a blog of mostly links like the one immediately below that has photos, maps, and a fascinating history on the origin of Fécamp. Be sure to follow the links.
Robert Antoine Pinchon, Le port de Fécamp, oil on canvas, Wikipedia
Our ancestor: Gunnora Harldsdottir deCrepon 
936-1031     28th great grandmother

F is for . . . Fyndern
Fyndern, Derbyshire, England
George Fyndern  1470-1540 is my 16th great grandfather.
This family comes down through our Quaker lines to my father’s family. Findern/Fyndern is a small village that grew up around the Fyndern manor house.
The village of Fyndern and our Fyndern family have an interesting history. See what’s up in the following link. The Findern Flower was brought back to the village in England from the Crusades.
The Findern Flower, Narcissus Poeticus Flore Pleno
The Fyndern Flower   By John Hawkins - Findern Historical Society - Take by Findern resident. Wikipedia Commons
Here’s a BBC page on a FyndernHistory Walk – helping you imagine being there! 
I hope you’ve enjoyed our visit to a couple of small villages in France and England. The lands of our forefathers.  A challenge to my blog readers – look-up an area your ancestors hailed from and learn its history. It could be 2 generations back in Ohio or 10 generations back in Italy, but wherever it is you will be fascinated with what you find!  

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Genealogy Place Names - E

With the letter ‘E’ we visit Scotland and Iceland. This is an interesting pairing as our Viking ancestors who settled in Iceland came from the Orkney Islands off the northern coast of Scotland. 
E is for . . .
Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, Scotland and the Montgomery family.

John Alexander de Montgomery 1338-1401 (my 18th great grandfather)

There is a ton of information on about John de Montgomerie (Montgomery). 

Photo from

Montgomery Street
Montgomery Street was once known as South Street and commemorates the Montgomeries, the Earls of Eglinton and later Earls of Winton who owned Eaglesham Estate for seven centuries. - Wikipedia

Montgomery Moto: Watch Well and Tartan (lowland)

E is for . . .
Eyiafiord, Iceland
The last place name of ‘E’s is in Iceland. This is serendipitous as recently some of our family filled their days with wonder on a vacation to Iceland. There weren’t enough days on their vacation to travel to northern Iceland – so let’s take a look. (See blue area on map.)